Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Expanded Timeline For After Chaos (AC) Part 300

Year 300 AC
An off year Gathering occurs to celebrate 300 years of no ogre reign and of law and order.  People from all over Martapa, even some Akicitia tribes, southern elven tribes, and the Dwarven Islands people come to celebrate, bringing their dances, games and foods to share.  Shooting stars are seen on the second night and seen as a good potent for the coming century.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Expanded Timeline For After Chaos (AC) Part 299

Year 299 AC
A plague hits the region between Landshire and Karoon.  1 in 3 people die, while others are scarred horribly by the boils it leaves.  Magic cures some, but even the healers of Tinaka can only stop so much.  There are holes in city and leadership structures for years after.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Expanded Timeline For After Chaos (AC) Part 298

Year 298 AC
A flight of Ancient Elves visits the Dwarven Islands, bringing on weeks of celebration.  Contracts are signed for certain metals the elves need and food goods the dwarves need.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Expanded Timeline For After Chaos (AC) Part 297

Year 297 AC
A pirate, Zarnaff the Great, names himself king of the seas.  He demands tribute from any ship he boards, though he does not confiscate the ship.  He kills crews that resist, but normally leaves people alive and just takes their cargo and a "tax upon my subjects".  Nearby coastal towns send out ships and militia to take him down, but so far he eludes capture.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Expanded Timeline For After Chaos (AC) Part 296

Year 296 AC
A small revolt happens at the Dragon's Fire school amongst the students.  They feel as if the teachers just tell them what they need to take and don't allow them to explore what they feel interested.  No one is hurt, but there is some major strife between students and staff for some time.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Expanded Timeline For After Chaos (AC) Part 295

Year 295 AC
Pioneers are setting off from Notitia to settle the uncivilized parts of the world near the outskirts of the growing influence of Notitia.  They are met by desert elves and Akicitia, and clashes ensue.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Expanded Timeline For After Chaos (AC) Part 294

Year 294 AC
This years Gathering is disrupted be raiders.  The raiders, mostly ogres and half ogres, came in from the north and began burning the camps, stealing and killing any in their path. Groups of mercenaries, knights and noble guards are sent to deal with the raiders.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Expanded Timeline For After Chaos (AC) Part 293

Year 293 AC
Because runners of news were so important, and vulnerable to so many hazards, a group of cities on the west side of Taina writes treaties between themselves to protect and give rights to runners so that they could safely pass everywhere.  Bandits still were an issue, but as time went on, cities would not harm runners, even if from an enemy city.