Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Expanded Timeline for After Chaos (AC) Part 326

Year 326 AC
Princess Rose develops an ability to charm animals.  Druids come to see the two year old and test her abilities, but can't seem to catch her in the act.  The followers of Wesa are perplexed, trying to get her to show them her powers, but the wily 2 year old and her furry friends only show their abilities when the druids are not present.

A temple of vines rises from the forests near Pathfinder, dedicated to Iktomi.  Though no priest called it forth, soon many followers of Iktomi arrive and establish one of the few actual temples dedicated to Iktomi.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Expanded Timeline For After Chaos (AC) Part 325

Year 325 AC
Princess Rose is visited by the head of the orders of Pezuta and Catiana.  They meet with her parents for several hours, and though no one but those four no for sure what is said, many believe they were foretelling the future of Princess Rose and what she would do for the world.

In south eastern Taina, the grape harvest is so robust that wine merchants are overwhelmed with stock.  Wine is transported to all corners of Martapa and new trade routes for wine from the region are established, which will last centuries.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Graduation Season in Real Life

Here it is, June 17th, and I can finally breath.  My oldest graduated Friday and the weeks leading up to the grand celebration overwhelmed me.  But it was all worth it.  He graduated with honors, plans on going to OSU and wants to study engineering.  We are so proud of him.  But the whole ordeal made me think of all you other parents out there, going through the graduation and transition to adult process.  Breath, is my first suggestion.  You have raised these children for 18 years, taught them right from wrong, and molded them to be fine adults for all that time.  They will do fine.  Step back and let them become the beautiful adult you have worked so hard to raise.  Hug them, love them, but let them go.  They will come back and return that love, (if for no other reason that they need real food 😍), and you will be so proud!

Congratulations to all of 2019's graduates!