Friday, June 3, 2022

Notes of Importance

 If you are like me, whether for a novel or a roleplaying campaign, you have word files, notebooks and scraps of paper sitting around with ideas and additions to your universe.  Here are some ideas to not lose your important ideas.

1) I'd like to say I'm good at this, but keep a word/document file with just a list of ideas.  When you have an idea, jot it down on the list so you can come back to it later.  Even just things you want to look for when you are editing! I also recommend you print it once a month or every month, depending on how often you get to your list.

2) Keep a notebook at hand.  This could include the notepad on your phone, but have something you can jot down that idea that just jumps into your  head.  I find myself thinking on story ideas and fixes as I'm driving to get my mother-in-law or kids to take to what ever.  A couple hours in a car gives me plenty of time to think.  So when I reach my destination I'm reaching for my note book to get my thoughts down quick.

3) Review your random thoughts on occasion. Sometimes that is just enough to get the creative juices flowing.  You might find yourself saying, "hey, I forgot about that aspect".  My recent example as I'm editing my 3rd novel is the fact I never have Kenna and her mom physically reunited in the story line, even though I literally have half a chapter in there about Kenna's mom bullying Captain Reed to let her come along to find Kenna.  That was a big drop on my part.  So now I have a note posted on my desk to remember to get that in the next book.

Happy Writing!