Friday, April 22, 2022

Self Imposed Deadlines

 As a freelance writer, beholden to no one, I find you need to make your own deadlines or nothing gets done.  This is easier to say then do, but here are a few ideas.

1) Write every day.  I know that both the teachers I had for creative writing says the best way to get your creative juices is to write every day, even if its just a few minutes, writing an outline, or looking up info you might need.  If you get your brain on the topic, you can let it stew all day long!

2) Set aside time.  This is easier said then done.  I figured when the kids went off to college my life would be more my own and I could write more.  I laugh at that idea now.  I'd like to say I take that 15 minutes every morning I "set aside" after morning chores for my writing, but it doesn't happen as much as I'd like.  But try very hard to get that time in.  If nothing else, as you mow the lawn, drive to work, or clean the house THINK on your story.  That will at least get your creative juices flowing.

3) Make your own deadlines.  You don't have to hold firm, life happens, and this isn't your career, but try very hard to stick to the deadlines you make.  Mine right now is to publish my second book on Amazon by the end of May.  Granted, I have to await the pleasure of my cover artist... (cough, cough, wonderful daughter, cough, cough).

Happy writing!