Saturday, July 22, 2023

The Art of Rewriting

 So, you have your ideas all sketched out or even a "manuscript" all done.  Now comes the fun part, (sarcasm intended) the editing.  Here are some things I do to make this task less tedious and maybe even a little fun.

1) Take it in chunks.  Do a chapter, a section, even a scene at a time.  If you try to digest the whole book at once you are going to miss those subtle tweaks you need to do.  Sometimes I just do a page a day, (on several different stories), so I can catch grammar errors as well as plot and flow.

2) Instead of editing purely, line by line, take a chunk you don't like and rewrite it separately.  Sometimes you have to look at things out of context to make it flow better.

3) Don't get frustrated.  I know, easier said then done.  Look something over, and if you have to, walk away for a bit.  Let the ideas and the scene ruminate in your brain away from the computer.  Sometimes that is all you need.

Happy writing!