Wednesday, July 28, 2010

History of Martapa V

The Time of the Chosen is the actual time setting of my original foray into my world of Martapa. This crude writing period in my life gave birth to my world, and I have to at least acknowledge it for that small aspect, even if the story itself never is seen by anyone but me.

So around 6000 AC a group of four youth, two Knights, a thief and a half-elven Clan Warrior set forth to save the world. Their births are ordained by the Gods themselves and magical items are created by Targon and Taniger just for them to defeat Shaniko and stop Kahalla from taking over the world. Eric Calabay and Richard Goldenstern are my Knights in training. Through out this part in my world's history they strive to uphold the virtues of Knighthood which had slipped because of the war with Shaniko and take over their Houses since they are last surviving scions of Calabay and Varanath. Jared Swiftarrow, or Mouse to his friends, is a thief who helps the Knights on their path and in the end becomes the perfect Knight. Amber Blackwolf is my half-elven Clan Warrior charged with protecting Richard and struggling with her half-elven ancestry.

They are brought together by Master Mage Ukiah, who has been blessed by the Gods with extreme long life and is the human father of Amber. He knows what must happen and unwillingly sacrifices his daughter, he believes, to Targon's will.

They have to gather the Gift of the Gods to stop the Wizard Shaniko from bringing Kahalla to Mortal Plane where he could destroy the Gods. (If the Gods are summoned through the Gate they are at full power, but if brought there by other means or they go on their own their power is weak and Kahalla could have destroyed them.) In the end they do stop Shaniko, bringing the Gift to Stormvale where they summon the Gods through the Gate and the God Kahalla is banished to the Void.

So a bit on the Gate of the Gods. To summon the Gods a Gate has to be made between the Mortal and Immortal Planes. To do so the Gift draws a bit from eight Gate Dragons or the "Chosen" who are to weild the Gift to call upon the Gate. When my four Chosen use the Gate there is only one dragon in all of Martapa, Fire Flash, so new dragons are created by taking part of each of the Chosen's souls to create new ones. Then the eight dragons, including Fire Flash, are used to create the Gate. The Gate Dragons are not harmed, but they are unable to do anything until the Gate is finally created.

This period becomes known as the War of the Gods and after is marked as Post Avatar (PA), though not all histories stop at 6004 AC. For those who don't roleplay regularly an Avatar is the mortal shell of a God when they are on the Mortal Plane. And dragons return to the world, Fire Flash and his mate, Elemental Storm leading them.
Tomorrow: Martapa after the War of the Gods

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