Thursday, March 24, 2011

Expanded Time Line VII

2157 PA (Post Avatar)

The High King's son and wife are found by a group of adventurers. He bestows Knighthood upon them. Those responsible are put to death. A Wolf Warrior appears soon after and states he is the protector of the boy. He goes by the name of Skaska.

Shipping along the west coast is hit hard by a group of pirates calling themselves "The Black Blades". They steal the cargo and kill the crews, or hold them for ransom depending upon who's on board. Calabay sends out a fleet to take care of the pirates but has problems finding them.

The Akicitia and allies turn back the Empire, killing over three legions of men. The Empire retreats, but poisons wells and land as they do so. The shamans of the villages are busy trying to fix the damage and ask for help from the mages of the north.

Tomorrow: Some cool item

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