Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Location: The Village of Matris

The village of Matris is little more then a farming village. It holds a single inn, which doubles as a meeting hall and raid safe house. The owners are nearby farmers who simply enlarged their house (then built a new one for themselves) and who always have stew ready to eat.

There is a blacksmith, who can make weapons, though it might take a long time and it might be easier to go to Calabay to get one. But he can sharpen weapons and tools, repair armor, and make all sorts of arm implements.

Matris is 120 miles east of Calabay and serves as a resupply post for Calabay patrols upon the road.

Most of the history of Matris involves ogre raids and animal attacks, so everyone able to lift a weapon knows how to use one. Many of the youth join the Home Guard of Calabay for a time before returning to farm so many have their own fine weapons and armor.

Like all those up north the people here love a good tale and reward fresh news with food and drink.

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