Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Location: The Golden Rose Inn

The Golden Rose Inn is a faded flower. In the past this three story inn was lovingly built, with painted wood carvings on many of the faces. Stout shutters, a porch with stout tables and covered from the elements, and large, comfortable rooms made her the bell of the ball. But as the city grew, the Rose grew less important.

Situated near the front gate but not on the bizarre of Bloodhelm the place has changed hands many times. Under Selvan the third the place has fallen into disrepair. The rooms are still dry, the food passable, but the ale is watered and private rooms are expensive. Several rooms are saved for local whores who pay Selvan a good cut of their take. Treat the Rose as a common inn, but with prices about 10% higher then common inns. The first floor is a tavern and the top two floors are rented rooms. T here are thirty rooms in all but Selvan tries to shove as many people in as possible.

Two bouncers are in the tavern at all times, most humans. Stables are available but cost 10% then normal and the feed and care are questionable.

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