Tuesday, November 8, 2011

City of Varanath

Varanath, the 12th House of Tridon, fell to the Wizard Mathanos in the year 3184 PA, the House of Richard Guildenstern sundered. All were lost save one small babe named Noshi Bluecrystal who returned to save the House from darkness 16 years later.

Unlike most other Houses, the keep of Varanath is set up the slope of the great Varanath Mountain and away from the city proper. Walled,with underground retreats, the keep itself is a fortress. The River Guilden is crossed by a single, magically raised bridge which can be collapsed by the same magic. The city, which houses 25,000 people, has a wall and small lake to fish from. Houses are all timber, mostly one or two stories and spaced fairly far apart, especially compared to other major Houses. Roofs are pitched steeply because of the snows that come to this part of Tridon. Roads are wide enough for three wagons on major fares. People wear sturdy clothing and most carry weapons like most northern Houses. Young men are required a one year service in the militia though woman can serve as well. Southerners are looked on with disdain, but other races are welcomed, especially elves.

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