Monday, November 26, 2012

Garred of Pathfinder

Garred is a merchant of renowned, traveling the world for the finest of merchandise and bringing it to those who can't quite travel.  He specializes in wines, fabrics and jewelery, but can find books, bowls and all sorts of things from various places if the price is right.  He gets to know his repeat customers so when he is traveling he can bring them just what they want, which brings him just what he wants, lots of gold.

Garred is a middle aged man, stout and able to handle a weapon well.  In his younger days  he was a caravan guard, but learned a thing or two about trading as he wandered around with his merchant masters.  He made contacts in those days he uses currently and isn't afraid to take what is his.  He pays his guards well and treats them with respect, so many people who  hire on with him are good with a weapon and loyal to Garred.  He dresses like a mercenary, in leather armor and stout walking boots.  Though he has plenty of wagons with him at all times, he likes to ride out with his guards and talk about the current topics of the day.  Anything from wenches and to politics, he's up for the discussion.

Garred would be a good way for your player characters to get from one point to another or find some ruin along the way.  Garred is not particular about race or sex, though he likes to look upon the opposite sex if they are good to look upon, but he does have an issue with people who use magic.  He doesn't outright hate them, but they have to prove themselves to him.  In one of his early runs the magic user the caravan had hired ran away at the first sign of trouble, almost costing Garred his life.

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