Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Temples of Wesa

Wesa has few temples, being the Goddess of Beasts and Animals, but those that do stand are very unique.  Usually on the outskirts of town, these buildings are more like giant stables and gardens then pristine temples.  The whole area is usually fenced, though to keep people out instead of creatures in, with large lawns and small orchards or groves.  Birds are always flying in and out, most temples have lots of cats lounging upon the steps, benches, and window sills, and other, stranger creatures may be inside these temples.  The temple in Stormvale, for example, for the longest time had huge wolves, bears and other lesser creatures before the Wizards started to take over.  The rooms of the priests are usually overhead with the animals having pretty much free rein of the first floor.  The priests who serve at these temples do not eat meat, not because Wesa doesn't believe in eating meat, but they save what they can for the carnivores that may be in residence and many of the priests get very attached to the resident animals and thus do not want to eat any of them.  All the animals in the temple, surprisingly, get along and don't try to kill each other, (which can not be said if they go off temple grounds).  The priests at these temples heal animals, as well as people, and many farmers will bring their sick animals here to have them healed.

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