Monday, December 4, 2017

The Vase of Katzu Part 14

The Vase of Katzu
The second floor is just as large as the floor below.  This floor is clearly bedrooms and seems to be fairly dust free.  The hall way is very large and ends in an open sitting room.  The doors are closed, except for the one nearest the sitting room.

For the GM, most of the rest of the family are up here, though you can adjust the number as needed.  The only one not on this floor is the master of the family. He is up stairs, in the master suites.  There are six bedrooms, three of which have occupants.  Jarvis does come up stairs and dust and clean on occasion, so it's not to dirty up here.  There are some fresher corpses up here and a few live victims that have not been drained yet.

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