Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Writing Tips for Those With Little Time

Hello, all!
So I've been bad at keeping up with my blogging, with family emergencies and the busy life of a mom of teenagers.  So I came up with a few ideas for those busy writers who want to catch a few minutes of writing when even spare minutes are hard to find.

1) Keep a small notepad in a coat pocket or your car.  I have one to jot down ideas, short thoughts, even editing ideas.  You can use something on your phone, too.  It's not butt in chair time, per say, but at least you can have a few minutes to jot down ideas to work on when you have that mythical writing time.

2) Driving time is a good time to ruminate on ideas (thus the notebook in the car).  I have a 50 minute round trip of dropping off my daughter/picking her up twice a day.  It give me plenty of time to think on my ideas and while I have that 3 minutes in the parking lot waiting for her, I can jot down my ideas.

3) Any time is a good writing session.  Many of us think if I don't have a half hour or so to write, we have no time to write.  I haven't been writing, but I have been taking 5 to 10 minutes to edit my older stories when I have a chance.  Mostly when I waiting for lunch to cook or I'm eating it, (the days I have time for that), but I take it.  If you can sneak that in even a few times a week, it's still progress.

4) My biggest advice, don't give up.  Clearly you like to write, so do so.  Don't make it a chore, learn to enjoy it again.  And maybe you can make that few minutes here and there turn in to more time!

Keep on trucking!

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