Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Expanded Timeline for After Chaos (AC) Part 372

Year 372 AC
A caravan of wood elves winds its way across Tridon.  They are heavily armed, but peaceful, and speak to few as they pass through the world of humans.  They appear to be in mourning, but if asked why, they will not answer.  They are polite, but do not like to be pressed.  Many speculate they carry some great warrior or leader to be buried somewhere sacred.  Some speculate there was a civil war between the elves and they are trying to find a new home.  Some speculate they are carrying a great treasure.

For the GM they are escorting a great warrior back to his home in the northern forests of the east side of the Tsalagi Mountains.  They do not want to share their grief, for he was much beloved.  But they will take any help on stopping any mercenaries or thieves who try to rob the caravan.

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