Monday, April 19, 2021

The Writing Bug

 I'm finding as my kids go three different ways to Sunday and I become my mother and mother-in-laws intermittent care takers, and throw in a family farm, writing doesn't get done as much as I'd like.  But starting this week I plan on making sure my "butt is in chair" at least for 15 minutes a day.  What, you say, just 15 minutes?  Well, here is the thing.  I say 15 minutes, but it could be longer.  The 15 minutes is a start, it's a carved out time for ME.  I say, "go away world", and give me 15 minutes.  I hope that I will be able to write longer, but I will take what I can get at the beginning.

My point for bringing up my struggles is to give you hope.  You, too, can try this method and find some writing time for yourself.  That is the biggest issue with all would be writers.  You make excuses, "It's a hobby" or "I'll do it later when things slow down".   But things never slow down.  I know retirees that are busier then me!  If you truly want to let your writing bug do it's magic, just do it.  Give yourself that time, give your creativity an outlet!  Be you and express yourself!

Happy Writing!

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