Friday, December 10, 2021

The History of My World

 The world you create is unique to you and you, as a writer, can take it where ever you want.  But what happened before your characters went on their little jaunt?  These are a few things I think are good ideas to look at and look at doing.

1) A timeline.  I made one of these for my roleplaying sessions just so I could make "ruins" or "lost civilizations" my characters could discover.  But this works for books, as well.  Characters will interact and talk about the past, mostly in passing, in your stories, so it is good to be consistent.

2)  In that same vein, a timeline may make you think of other story ideas.  In my case there is the "Time of Chaos".  There is got to be some good short stories in there somewhere, right?  

3) Or knowing where my other story ideas fit in to my world.  I have the Chosen, (War of the Gods), and Noshi and her adventures.  Though I haven't written their sagas, (or nothing I want to share at the moment), I needed to know where they sat because they are referenced to so many times in my novels I am publishing.  Readers want to know there is some thought put into the timeline of things.

4) Fleshing out the past.  I use these as small writing exercises to get my brain going.  I have worked on fleshing out the Temple of the Gods and the kingdom of Janesh, along with other small bits of history.  Maybe I might talk about the founding of the Clan Warriors.  But then you can sneak tidbits in to your main novel, knowing that you will be consistent with what you are writing.

You may not use any of this, but it will help you make out a well rounded world and may just lead to other story ideas! Not to mention keep you writing!

Happy Writing.

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