Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Location: Spellcasting Inc

Spellcasting Inc was recently put together by five young spellcasters who did not like the confines of the Guild in Bloodhelm. Master Saber gave them his blessing, despite the complaints of others in the guild, and the bunch is now trying to make a living as spellcasters.

The building is new, but mostly river rock and local wood. It has three rooms, a greeting room, supply room, and sleeping room. The five spellcasters will make potions, magical locks, dispel curses, make magically binding contracts, scrolls and spellbooks, and cast spells on request. Prices are usually the cost of supplies plus 20 percent.

They will not knowingly harm others or dabble in necromancy, but some of what they do could be used for such things. Two of their numbers are always there, while the other three are always in the countryside looking for ingredients. They will buy magical components at 50 percent of value and give said sellers discounts on their services if the sellers consistently bring them good components.

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