Monday, February 27, 2012

Air Fairies

These little six inch tall creatures don't spend most of their time in any tangible form. They prefer to float among the breezes, travel with the clouds, or even just be part of a wind storm. But they can take physical shape when they want to. When in physical shape they have a transparent body (no, you can't see their organs) with wispy wings, all a blue-gray color. Their eyes are large and round and their hair seems to be streams of unruly wind of white and gray color.

They often transform into birds, for they are the creatures of the air. They live solitary lives for the most part, but often love to fly with flocks of birds while in that form. Little is known about their lives, for they are so shy compared to other fairies, but whole cities have been known to fall to wind storms if an air fairy is harmed or insulted.

Their magic extends mostly to the element of air, though they do a little earth magic as well. Storms, big and small, are often started by these little creatures, or at least folk lore likes to say.

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