Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Apprentices Part I

When one is an apprentice mage there are many things which could occur. One is a young mage can find themselves in a guild. Here they are taught humility, for mages wield great power, how to concentrate, how to harness the elements and how to write neatly. The first few years is filled with repetitive, back breaking chores. Cantrips (small spells like bringing light to the end of a staff or detecting magical energies) are taught as is control.

When they reach the journeyman stage they begin to learn spells of power, many of which are for mending and crafting so they can earn their keep.

Once their master deems them ready and safe they are given tests to earn the title master. They can either strike out on their own or remain on at the guild as a teacher and researching. Many hire on as guards, librarians or scholars for rich folk.

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