Thursday, March 1, 2012

Brother Clarence

Though few of the clerical orders take the vows of a monk, Brother Clarence took them with relish. At first it was to escape a failed relationship, but as he fell into the ways of the monk he began to enjoy the way of life more and more. As a monk there is little talking between monks, the life style is simple, with simple food and clothing, and no, they don't do Jackie Chan type moves. They spend much of their time copying sacred, and not so sacred, texts for temples of their faith, and do so for lay people for a fee to cover their sparse lifestyle. They do not marry and either sex can be a monk, though mostly males tend to be monks.

Brother Clarence, a scrawny human who gained no weight even in his later years, and stood no more then five foot high, was best known for his work "How to Quote History". Though supposedly just supposed to be a history text book for scholars, it also has passages to stir the moral thoughts of his readers. It was soon after Chaos and he wanted to make it clear to the followers of Catiana that even though they were neutral in thought, they needed to participate to help shape their world for everyone. He leaned more toward the light side of things, but he did want his fellow followers of Cataina to at least be part of the world in their neutrality, not just witness the world from the sidelines.

Brother Clarence eventually died at the ripe old age of 105, a very long life indeed for a human with many books of instruction under his belt, many of which are still used during the time of the High King's Sword.

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