Thursday, July 19, 2012

Holidays of Sun Scorch in Tridon

This month is pretty devoid of holidays, but in the eastern part of Tridon in Karoon is the Race Against the Sun.  Every year, in the warmest part of the year, the bravest (or stupidest as you wish) young men come to Karoon to race one hundred miles across open plain with little shade or water to see who can be the fastest to reach the sacred pond of Iktomi to the west.  The runners are given only what they can carry so few take more then a few water skins, knife and fire starter kit.  They put themselves to the test by running in heat sometimes over a 100 degrees (yes, I will stick with the English system, I'm not that creative lol) in hopes of being the winner for the year.  Those who can not make the full trek are usually rescued by the priests of Iktomi who follow the racers.  The winner has no need to pay for housing and food for the year (though they have to be reasonable) and women often swoon over the winner, inviting no lonely evenings. 

This began as a race between rival tribes to see who could honor Iktomi better but over the years youth from all over have joined in.  Occasionally a woman will win, but usually the winner is a man.  If the same winner wins five years in a row the Leader of House Karoon will give them a small plot of land and a title.  This has only happened twice in the history of the race.

In the time of the Chosen and after the tribes which live there continued the tradition, but without the House being there only small rewards are given.

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