Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Love and Marriage Part IX

The humans of the free cities in Ariella are very merchant orientated.  Their lives revolve around trade and getting a good deal.  So when a man loves a woman and wants to take her from her family to be part of his family he shows his interest in a very odd way.  The man, especially if he is from a merchant family, will leave trade goods upon her doorstep in hopes her father and brothers will see what fine goods he has and will be able to keep their daughter/sister very well.  If the trade goods are accepted, trade goods (or other fine objects) will be sent to the man's family so they are assured the woman isn't coming from a destitute family in need of more money and that is the reason the woman is accepting.

After several weeks of exchanging goods (which most go to the couple, anyway) the two families come together and in a short ceremony, the father gives his daughter's hand to the man.  Afterward the two families, and invited guests, feast on good foods and wines.  Later the pair are escorted to their new home where the trade goods have already been brought.

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