Monday, March 25, 2013

Warwick and Paxton

These two guards, who man the gates of Bloodhelm are as opposite as night and day in appearance, but the best of friends, none the less.  Warwick is a middle aged man, with a bit of a belly, but still in good shape.  His hair is starting to thin, he takes his time at things, though he always does them right the first time, and he likes to talk about just about anything.  Paxton is a young man, willow thin and tall for even those of Bloodhelm.  He is awkward, to say the least, but tries his best at everything he does.  He's fair with a sword, better with a bow, and horrible with women.  Women make him incredibly nervous.

Warwick has taken Paxton under his wing and tries to teach him everything he knows, which is considerable for a simple gate guard.  Warwick knows strategy and tactics better then some Knights and generals.  Paxton hangs on Warwick's every word and defends him against those who think he's too old to be in the home guard.

Warwick and Paxton can always be found, seven days a week, from sunrise to about mid afternoon at the main gate of Bloodhelm.

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