Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Vase of Katzu Part 5

The Vase of Katzu
The greeting room is about ten by ten feet.  Strangely there are still rotting tapestries and furniture, along with two skeletons with long swords at their side and pikes still in hand.  They appear to have been attacked without giving fight and with their flesh gone, it's hard to say exactly what killed them.  There are some vases and other fine decorations, which if they are cleaned up, would be exactly what your patron is looking for.

For the GM the two skeletons are harder then normal skeletons, because of the curse, but they were killed by the royalty of the manor who had run out of people to kill for their life saving blood and souls.  The guards didn't know what hurt them and since they were not really affected by the curse before their death, but created as undead because of the way they died, they are only nasty, non-reasoning skeletons.

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