Monday, November 13, 2017

The Vase of Katzu Part 6

The door from the greeting room leads to a hallway which ends in a set of double doors.  There are two single doors spaced equally on each side.  All the doors seem to be intact.  When you go into the hallway the light stones come to life on their own, showing a hallway with a dusty carpet, niches with small statuettes, and broken furniture along with skeletons strewn along it's length.

For the GM, these skeletons are the same as those in the greeting room, but with no weapons to attack with, just claws.  The doors are all locked and are protected by strengthening magic, thus they can not just be busted in easily.  The statuettes are just what the collector is looking for and have a small taint of dark magic upon them from the curse.

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