Friday, August 20, 2021

Origin of Stories

 Everything has a beginning, from the birth of child to the birth of a story.  My story is no different.

My story started from a few of us getting together for some much needed D&D and me wanting to showcase the world I had so loving labored on for almost a decade and a half.  Here was this world flushed out with enough information to make a roleplaying supplement, (or several), and a bunch of us who needed an outlet since we were all stuck all over the country and kinda on our own.

We used the internet, before Discord or like applications where we could have done our roleplaying in real time, so I had to cobble together emails to make one coherent game "session".  It was difficult, to say the least, but as the months progressed I had reams of notes for a story idea.  I had to change some things, because you can't make 4 people follow a coherent story line to the "T", and add my own twists and turns that could not be used in a roleplaying session.  (If you have ever been a DM you know it's hard enough to get your players to go even close to what you want them to do!)

The more I worked on a story idea, the more I wanted to write the story, (which ended up being 4 novels).  Luckily my  husband, (my inspiration for Krom and Duncan), was all for such an endeavor.  We both knew it wasn't going to happen over night, since we had two kiddos and I was very involved in their activities, but he made sure I got the time to write, which I am eternally grateful for.

So how did your story start?  Was it a long hike? A drive in an unfamiliar place?  Something that happened in your life or in the city you live in/near?  Write that down, too!  Later, if you do get your story published and you have a following, your readers will want to know!

Happy Writing!

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