Friday, September 17, 2021

Location Spotlight: The Soaring Dragon

 The Soaring Dragon, in Devonshire, is owned by Joseph Sandturn.  The building is three stories high, mostly stout wood, with clay tiled roof. There is a stables in the back large enough for several wagons and about 10 horses.  The inn also has it's own well and a small bath house. The sign is marked by a large, flying platinum dragon and "Soaring Dragon" carved beneath.

The first floor is the tavern, with the kitchen and Joseph's family living space in the back.  The second and third floors are for guests, with small rooms so Joseph can have many guests at once, each room sleeps about 2 or 3 people comfortably.  He has no common sleeping room, but will allow travelers to sleep in the tap room once the tavern is shut down for the night if they can't afford a room or he doesn't have room.

His wife and eldest daughter cook, his youngest sons run the stables.  His only son-in-law helps him run the tap room, now that he is getting a little older.

This is a moderately costing inn, with each room coming with a meal.  He has several bouncers who are friends he made in the militia and live near by.  They rarely have to do anything, since Joseph's clientele are mostly working men and merchants, and like Joseph's wife's food.  

The inn is situated closer to western gate, but is close enough to the eastern gate he still gets caravans coming in from the east.

Happy writing!

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