Thursday, October 28, 2010

Item: Magic Mirrors

Over the centuries mages have been perfecting the ability to speak magically across great distance. Discovered by accident, (an apprentice believed his master was shouting at him despite being clear across the city) the ability to communicate over long distances was seen as a boon. The ability to send troops to places quickly was always an advantage, but the ability was very unpredictable without a focus. Mages could speak telepathically to a colleague a distance off, but the messages weren't always clear or complete.

Mary Sandturn was a powerful mage who loved fine mirrors. She collected them and always picked up new ones when she traveled. She also liked to talk to her friends and couldn't do so when she was away. She worked on many enchantments until she came up with a good combination of dust from crushed up dragon scales (later on gargoyle horns were used instead), gems, and gold gilded hand mirror. The process takes a month, finishing on the night of a full moon. Only master mages can make these, so they are quite expensive. They range from 100 platinum dragons to 1,000 platinum dragons depending on size and decorations. Only those with magical aptitude can use them, since it does take a bit of magic to operate.

Each mirror has a command phrase to awaken or turn off and contact any other mirror. A person just has to know who they wish to speak to. Anyone can see the other person using the other mirror, but only magic users can make the mirrors work.

Possible uses for a campaign might be the mage of the group wishes to make one and has to gather the pieces.
Tomrrow: Healing on Martapa

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