Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Location: Ruins of Tayke

This once proud House sits east of Goldleaf over the Tsalagi Mountains with no good pass between the two. Before the Chosen ever came on the scene, the Black Wizard, Shaniko, destroyed this House looking for information and magical advances, none of which he obtained. Many of the inhabitants fled, carrying their knowledge with them, or killed themselves so they could not be used to help Shaniko. Many of the buildings were destroyed outright, but as time has gone on more have been lost.

What remains are the ghosts of elegant sweeping buildings, once beautiful gardens, and fountains of such beauty they would make a person weep. The city was huge, with a stone wall which encircled it all. Most buildings were made of wood, single story, and decorated with fanciful creatures, both real and imagined. Tayke was a city of magic users and innovators, and so some structures still stand, even after three thousand years of neglect because of magical wards.

Many come to these ruins in search of magic not seen for three millennium as well as innovations of mechanical skill not known in the time of the High King's Sword. Many people have traveled north, but few have returned. Between the Black Wizards, ogres, and rumors of undead in the area, few have lived to tell the tale. Those who have returned have told of huge mazes of underground networks, creatures of the like no one has seen before, and ghosts that sing haunting tunes of sadness and death.

The prize, which many believe Shaniko was after, was the lost library of Janesh, an ancient civilization of power who disappeared long before Peter ever dreamed of the Kingdom of Tridon. None have been able to find such a thing, but if the library did exist, many would pay a king's ransom for such knowledge.

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