Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Place: Mount Varanath

Mount Varanath is a semi-active volcano which has given the land around it good nutrients not only for forest land, but some pasture and crop land as well. House Varanath is named after the mountain, and mountain itself was named after a scout name Spring Varanath who discovered and studied the mountain before the Houses were even formed.

Though seen from a distance while in the city of Varanth, Mount Varanath is over two days away from Varanath proper by horse. Once in the forests that surround the volcano, people will find little used paths, fey creatures and the remains of old elven villages and buildings. Though the elves had little presence near Varanath, they still left their mark, building observatories and libraries in the study of nature and the volcano. Such places have been striped clean in some cases, others they were buried in volcanic ash in the few eruptions which Varanath has belched forth. These places might house long lost elven artifacts or well preserved libraries and mosaics. What most scholars would like to find is the long lost observatory the elves set up to watch Varanath, hoping to find the knowledge the elves garnered so long ago

Recently ogres and undead have been spotted by rangers and druids and the animals of the area have been acting strange. Observers aren't sure if Varanath is ready to blow again or something insidious has come to roost.

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