Monday, December 5, 2011


Lee starts my High King's Sword novels and doesn't appear in any more, though her life touches the "Sword" more then once during the novel. A seer from a young age she tried to live a normal life, hiding her talent and marrying her sweetheart. After awhile of living in Devonshire her talent shown, saving the major and his family. As her daughter grew she was visited by royalty and peasant alike so they may know their future.

When her husband died she took to selectively picking her clients, because too much grief surrounded her. When her daughter and son-in-law died and left her their daughter her grief was suddenly eclipsed by the joy of her young granddaughter Margaret so close in her life.

Lee, in her fifth decade, is a tall woman standing five foot six inches. A frail looking woman, she is quite agile and fit. She keeps her grey hair in a bun, wears plain, but serviceable skirts and blouses and loves her knitted shawls. Lee speaks softly and speaks her mind. Her visions come when they want but she can also call the vision forth.

A GM may be able to use her as a plot tool, to turn his players in the right direction, but do so with caution. You never want to tell the players where to go, just guide them softly.

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