Thursday, December 1, 2011


Shapechangers, or shapeshifters, are both a group of people and an ability made possible by magic. The first are comprised of mainly werecreatures, though some magical creatures, such as fairies, can also shift forms. The other is mostly comprised of mages and druids, though Priests of Wesa can change via magic.

Natural shapechangers can do so as often as they wish, though each change takes about 30 seconds, is usually only 1 or 2 shapes, and can be very painful. Magic shape changers must cast a spell or call upon their god to do so. This takes time, has a limited duration, and can only be done so many times a day. This transformation is normally not very painful and can be any living creatures shape, though it can not be a creature more then 3 times their normal size or 1/3 their normal size.

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