Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Timothy of Noble House Dumatri

Timothy of noble House Dumatri, the second son, and thus set to be the captain of the guard or the head of the merchant business is a pretty ordinary man. He is certainly handsome, with his dark curly hair and vibrant blue eyes, but he has little ambition to do much, except to marry Chelsea of noble House Merlinous.

He spends most of the time training with sword, learning history and figures and hunting with a select few with Tarkil Bloodhelm. As much as he hates politics he does enjoy these outings as time to let loose, out from underneath their father's thumbs.

Timothy also likes to relax at the Rolling Rooster tavern which Tarkil recommended. If he is there he will happily play cards or share a drink with player characters. He'll listen to tales, hit on any women in the party with abandon, and tell tales of his own.

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