Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Johannen, Guard of Merryweather

I have an awful habit of fleshing out even my background characters, which is why I always agonize over ever PC I've ever made for a roleplaying games (which includes the MMOs). Johannen is no exception.

Though he appears only for a few pages while Kenna and Tarkil visit the Lady of Merryweather, he is none the less important to impressing upon them, and the reader, how dangerous the political game of helping the fledgling High King is. Johannen is very protective of his Lady and would die willingly to protect her. He is a stern man, huge in stature, though a very caring individual toward those he loves or respects. One might suspect he is part ogre with how big he is, but he is all human. Standing at six and half feet, and about half that broad, he is an imposing person. He keeps his hair clipped short, his face bare of hair (mostly because his beard will not grow in evenly), and keeps himself well dressed but ready for a fight in the presence of his Lady.

Johannen is of common stock, but he rose quickly in the home guard until the Lord of Merryweather noticed him and stated Johannen would protect the Lady of Merryweather. He has taken on the job with zeal. He is proficient in most common weapons, as well as quite a few exotic weapons (including throwing stars), but he prefers to fight with two long daggers or his two-handed sword.

Johannen wears nice clothing, suited for a ball room, though over a fine mithrial chain shirt. He has many magical protections (because he is protecting the Lady of House Merryweather) but doesn't flaunt them or rely on them. His blades, some rings, and even his bracers are all enchanted to protect him as well as have spells upon them he can use if needed in an emergency.

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