Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring's Return

Like people everywhere, real and imagined, the people of Martapa celebrate the arrival of spring. There are many ways they do so and here are just a few.

The humans of Tridon have a great celebration involving feasting, bonfires and exchanging of small gifts, usually made during the winter since there is little else to do. Small tokens are thrown into the bonfires (such as pieces of paper with wishes, small bundles of flowers, a dead loved ones lock of hair) to bring happiness and release for the rest of the year to come. Feasts are usually prepared (in the small villages and towns) as a group effort, the mayor or head man providing the pig/sheep/cow that is roasted for a day or two ahead of time.

The elves celebrate spring with meditation and reflective thought. For a whole day they find a place of seclusion and think upon the last year. Many think upon loved ones lost, about futures to come and how to better their lives. A small meal is shared with close family afterwards and small gifts are exchanged.

Dwarves celebrate with a large party, celebrating the coming of more light. They drink lots of ale, eat lots of roasted boar and other dwarven favorites, and exchanged tales of times gone by (with much embellishment). Sometimes these feasts can last for days.

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