Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Pleasurable Loans

Tuff Thunderlake is a large man of large means. The middle son of a very rich merchant, Tuff never liked to travel, but  he loved to make money and hear stories.  He also loves food, so he is little round about the middle, his nice clothes always baring a food stain somewhere, usually around the collar.

Tuff loves to hear the reasons people need a loan, though he doesn't always believe them.  But it is good story telling and he loves to see the different lives of people.  But he also likes to make money.  (Someone has to pay for all the food he likes to eat.)  He acts very compassionate when someone has to borrow money, but he charges interest by the day or requires collateral of some very expensive nature.  He can not be talked out of both, for he wants to make money.

The small building where he works is unremarkable.  There is one window, a tightly locked door and a good sized kitchen inside, along with a desk for working his transactions.  He has several body guards, big burly men who were once in the militia.  He is a friendly man, but even he has enemies.

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