Monday, May 14, 2012

Slip, Guide of the North

Slip, while only fifteen years old, knows a lot about traveling through the western forests of the Tsalagi Mountains.  Born to a half-elf scout and a human woodsman, Slip likes to explore the woods and trails of the mid Tsalagi Mountains.  He hired himself out as soon as he could, realizing that was the way to make money to buy himself good equipment and books to read.  His parents couldn't afford such things as books, but he found one once, scavenging a broken down caravan and wanted nothing more then to learn to read.  He begs those he guides to teach him to recognize words and sounds, and most of the time his employers are happy to do just that.  A historian once gave him a primer book he used to teach youngsters how to read and now Slip can read at the level of a child of ten.  (He's very proud of this feat since neither of his parents can read.)

Slip has very little in elven features, though he can see better at night then most humans and his frame is far more lithe then an average fifteen year old boy.  His hair has streaks of silver (his mother's hair is silver) and his eyes are bright green.  He is very tan, from being outside all the time, and his leathers are sturdy, even if they are well worn.

Slip is a good tracker, a good guide and an excellent survivalist in the woods.  He's guided many groups up and down the Tsalagi Mountains, as well as across the mountains on the hard to travel trail passes.  He charges a silver a day for his services, plus food (though he is capable of feeding himself).  If he really likes the group (especially if they help him learn to read more or give something to read) he won't charge them more then a silver a week when they reach their destination.

Slip doesn't appear in my books, but he would be a good NPC for getting your group to a certain location quickly, or even as a roleplaying bonus on the group's journey some where.  If you have a skill system he has tracking, perception, and survival as high as possible, as well as hunting/skinning and fishing.  He is proficient with spear and dagger, as well, but wears no armor.

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