Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Magical Scrolls in Bloodhelm

Magical Scrolls is a small building which smells of vellum and only a few enter.  Inside are shelves and shelves of rolled parchment, some with magical writing, some with maps, and still others with knowledge of the ages.  The proprietor is Cedric Howling, an older man who's writing isn't so steady anymore, but is why he has a handful of apprentices to make his scrolls for him.  Maps are always accurate (well, as good as they can be in this day and age), scrolls will always do as they are supposed to and the knowledge is always obscure but important.

Cedric charges the going rate plus 10%, since he doesn't get a lot of business.  His apprentices earn little, but are learning the art of scroll making and magic, and are fed on a regular basis.  Cedric doesn't talk much, doesn't want to share his knowledge unless paid, and can be down right grumpy if pushed.

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