Monday, September 24, 2012

Tips the Ranger

Stationed out of Calabay, Tips loves the outdoors.  She loves to travel with the caravans, hunting parties, even mining expeditions.  She loves to be out in nature and away from civilization, though she likes to be with people.  She knows much about nature, medicinal plants, how animals behave and how to survive in the wilderness.  Surprisingly, she also can handle herself fairly well in more sophisticated circles, knowing how to dance, use the right fork at dinner and how to make small talk.  She was schooled in such things because she is the daughter of a minor noble, but doesn't want to be stuck away in some house, playing mother.  She is human, about 20 years old, with dark blond hair and tanned skin.  Her eyes are blue and her mouth is never without a smile.

Tips can be found outside of Calabay, in Calabay or wandering with some group in need of a guide.  If the party hires her she asks for a 3 silver a day, plus food.  She loves to talk about everything they are doing and will love to hear back stories on everyone.

Happy Gaming.

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