Thursday, September 6, 2012

The History of Janesh Part II

So after the volcano exploded those who remained of the Janesh culture made their way to the fishing village of Calabay.  (At the time of their landing this soon to be great House was little more then home to about three hundred fishing and farming folk with a very shrewd leader).  In exchange for leading the refugees further inland to an unclaimed area that was large enough to hold them all, the people of Calabay asked for a small chest of gold and teachers to use for five years.  Sterling Calabay knew knowledge was key to making life better for his people and he saw how advanced in magic and technology the Janesh were to his own people.  What was gold to people who bartered for their items?  (Though he did hire some dwarves to make a secure wall around the village and stout stone buildings that could withstand the siege of ogres and the like.)

The advance team for Janesh had built a suitable number of buildings in the area to house most of the refugees but building of more took place right away.  The Janesh stayed in contact with Calabay, but no one else, wanting to keep their great magics out of the hands of those who could not use it wisely.  After ten or so generations, even Calabay forgot mostly about them.

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