Thursday, May 23, 2013

Calanders for Your Campaign

Everybody, whether in the real or the make believe world, is busy.  So here is a suggestion I've found very useful in my own campaigns.  I make up a calender for my world, what ever the campaign world, and write down where the players are in time.  I also write down dates where things will get done, when they will arrive at a certain place, or perhaps when major events will happen.  In Dragonlance it was very vital to keep track of time because of the moons and their influence on player magic.  You don't want to spend ten minutes of precious game time trying to figure out where the moons are just so you know how your players' (or bad guys') magic is affected.  Some other important reasons would be for travel rations and supplies (if you are an evil DM and keep track of that :) ), when the person really has their magical armor or arms, and when curses/ill magic might wear off.  The calender doesn't have to be fancy, (excel is a wonderful thing), but just something you can put notes on and the players can consult if need be.  If you want, keep two calenders, one for you to plan events and one for the players where they don't need to see all the events!

Happy Gaming!

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