Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

As 2014 closes out, it is a time to reflect about how the year went and look forward to the year to come.  Like everyone else there are things I regret in the last year.  Not writing enough, not taking time for me, not finishing those projects I really wanted to get done.  My biggest revelation of the year was when I went in for an early colonoscopy, because my father had colon cancer, and they found a carcinoid tumor in the early stages.  It really puts a perspective on your life.  Though it wasn't entirely life threatening, (it would have been if left to it's own devices), it makes you stand up and take note.  My husband and I spend a lot of time volunteering for this and that and decided we don't have enough "us" time.  So we took a whole day for us on the launch of the World of Warcraft's last expansion.  You know, it was great.

As 2015 comes in, think of these few things.  Family is important.  Spend as much time as you can, (or can stand), with them.  Petty squabbles, throw them out the window.  They are not important.  Those projects, sitting on the shelf, take them off the shelf and get them done.  That trip you wanted to do but are putting if off because life is too busy, take it.  Tell those people you love that you love them.  I know it's all cliché, but they are all so true when your life is put in perspective. And if you are writing, keep writing!

Happy New Year!

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