Thursday, October 26, 2017

The Vase of Katzu

The Vase of Katzu
The vase the collector found has a map to an island off the eastern coast of Taina and north of the Dwarven Islands.  This island is supposed to hold a city that has been forgotten to time, though it does not say why it was abandoned or who originally lived there.  The collector wants to send an expedition there to see what can be found.  Though he's sure there is all sorts of treasure, he would like those he hires to bring him back precious items such as vases, weapons, or other sort of mundane items.  The gold coins and the like are of little interest to him.  He plans on paying for any equipment a group may need and the boat that needs to be hired to get there.

For the GM you can have the party make it without issue to the island or be attacked on the boat ride by all sorts of monsters or pirates, that's up to you.  There is always the option of smashing the ships when they reach the island too and having them have to figure out how to get back home.  More to come on the island itself next post.

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