Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Mystery of the Sea Door Part 15

The former residents of this ruins were priests of many faiths, but mostly of the sun, nature, weather and knowledge.  Each of the doors lead to pocket dimensions that ultimately lead to the other planes if the proper keys are used. (No, the keepers of the desert do not have them, they were in the hands of the guardians of the temple.)  Each pocket dimension celebrated the cardinal directions and an aspect of the world at large.  The elves who inhabited not only the temple, but a village above, studied the stars, nature, and the weather, sharing their knowledge with all who wanted to know.  The keepers are not positive, but they believe the guardians of the ruins were killed by invaders and much of their knowledge carted off, since it's been so long since they had talked to the guardians. (They were in stasis, but they could still keep track of time.)  The keepers were in the oasis long before the guardians of the temple contacted them, but they are descendants of those who were originally there.  On a side note, the keepers will mention the priests were all winged elves, a race not seen in many thousands of years.

For the GM, you can use this knowledge to find the keys to be able to plane hop, sell to a collector, or restore the temple, or even a combination there of.  If a priest in the group wants to restore it, priests of Tymara, Iktomi, Wesa, Catiana and Furere are a good choice.  I have not fleshed out a god of weather, either, so that is always an option for you, as GM, to make up.  Also, this may lead the group to delve more into the winged, or Ancient, elves.

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