Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Castle of the Lake Part 2

The Castle of the Lake
Once reaching the castle, the group will notice that the drawbridge is rotting through in a few places, but the small door in the drawbridge is still whole.  The stones of the castle are covered in moss and other hanging plant life.  And though it doesn't appear as if anyone is living there, a voice calls out to know who approaches.

For the GM, the voice is that of the seneschal of the castle.  He is tied to the castle, no matter where or when it might go.  He is a middle aged man, dressed in fine dark blues and blacks with the symbol of the tree of life upon his tabbard.  He carries a long sword and a curled horn on his belt and a ring of keys at his neck.  Depending on the group's answer he may or may not let them in.  If they say something along the lines that they want to explore or learn about the castle, the seneschal, Sir Vargin, will let them in to explore.  If they say something along the lines that they are there to plunder he will refuse to let them in and they will have to break in.  He is considered a fighter/mage of 10 levels higher then the party, with magical armor and arms and a large knowledge of magic.  He will be amused by their attempts to get in, but he will not try to stop them if they are not really making headway.  He, after all, likes to have entertainment now and again.

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