I know a lot of mainstream novels don't take time to build their worlds. Most just stick them into the current world or variations of the same fantasy world. Yes, as a fantasy writer, you will have a lot of overlap with other worlds. Monsters, magic and odd features are the bread and butter of the fantasy world. But you can definitely add your own lore and twists to make your story world unique.
Take time to point out features that are different. Many fantasy worlds allow teleportation with ease. That's an easy out for bad guys. I know I do use it several time, but it definitely has costs. That's my point. I make my teleportation take huge magical structures or cost much to the person who is casting it so that teleportation doesn't happen often.
How about those monsters? You will always have your goblins, orcs and ogres. Tolkien kinda made them mandatory. But you don't have to make them standard. Add your own twists to those creatures that are "standard" fantasy creatures. My dragons can shape change, and though that occurs in several major fantasy world, it isn't a standard operating procedure for all fantasy.
Magic can manifest in many forms. You don't have to make it the standard wave of the hand and chanting. Though I do use that, I also use magic that only takes a thought and concertation. An innate magic, if you would have it. And I like to add visuals. Magic can be just as spectacular to describe as sword fights.
Pantheons. Some people like them stoic, some like no pantheon at all. I like my pantheon to feel "human". They have just as many problems as their mortals, just on a larger scale. I take the time to make them feel like characters vital to the story, not just some supernatural power over seeing things.
Happy Writing!