Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lokar, God of Death

Lokar is another of my Gods I have literally turned into a character in my story. He is a quiet God, since death is often experienced alone. Most of the Gods refer to him as the Silent One. He is also the God of the Night and Dark Magic, though not as powerful in magic as Targon. He decides when death must and should occur. In certain circumstances he will appear himself to take a person, whether light or dark because of how heroic or spectacular their death is. Though classified a dark God because of the dark magic he controls, he is a very passive God. He does not seek out death of anyone. He knows in time everyone will succumb to such a fate.

Some generic roleplaying mechanics are as follows: His Mages bare an image of a black skull with green flames encircling it. His Mages also wear black robes with silver trim and carry long, silver scythes, to symbolize the reaping of souls.

Alignment (if your system calls for this) would be lawful evil. He is a dark God because of the Dark Magic aspect but he follows the laws of death and life strictly.

Lokar created the creatures skeletons, vampires, liches and zombies. He was not responsible for any mortal races since he brings death, not life.

His Mages are charged with bringing dignity to death, bringing power to Dark Magic, and bringing appreciation of the night. Few of his Mages wonder far from their temples and those who live in villages often are the undertakers of the village.

His interactions with the Gods are mixed. Most are neutral toward him, though Targon and him are always at war, how every amicable they might be. Tinaka, minor Goddess of Healing, opposes him for clear reasons and Sarjon only opposes the fact death ends battles far too quickly. He and Targon hate Kahalla the most of all the Gods, since they hold the key to Kahalla's Wizards to winning, magic.
Tomorrow: Dasa, Goddess of Seduction

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