Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sarjon, God of War

Sarjon is perhaps one of the few Gods I mention in my books, but don't really use as a character. As the God of War he is every present in the story, simply because of all the conflict, but I use him more in the background then the fore. He is a neutral God, since war does not take sides and he revels in a good fight, a good battle. He loves the intricacies of strategy and may inspire his followers with unsought strategies if they are putting their hearts into a battle. He loves to delve into battles and pick out one individual skirmish to watch. His favorite avatar is Jet Stonecrusher, an instructor at the battle school in Stormvale. The man his huge and bares a two handed sword. In his immortal form he is a human in full field plate, carrying a two handed sword named Foebane.

Some generic roleplaying mechanics are as follows: His Mages bare an image of a flaming sword pinning down a map. Unlike other Mages, his wear plate or mail armor while out spreading the word, and wear simple breaches and tunics while in their places of worship. (Unless it is a holy day then they deck out in armor).

Alignment (if your system calls for this) would be chaotic neutral. He lets war take its course and that is often chaotic.

Sarjon created the race of Akicitia with Catiana. He favors them, but he likes all races for they all wage war.

His Mages are charged with spreading weapon training, strategy, and the history of war. Often there are warrior training schools in his temples where mercenaries are likely to train.

His interactions with the other Gods is fairly good. He hates Kahalla because he is trying/tried (Depending when you put your campaign) to take over the pantheon. He often disagrees with Lokar because death often ends a good, well fought battle. As Father of the Gods he is often looked to for support by the other Gods.
Tomorrow, Lokar, God of Death.

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