Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Place: Temple of Pezuta

Temples of Pezuta are more or less the same in every place, but each has its own little flare. As the Goddess of Luck, her temples are very fanciful and whimsical. Most are made out of marble (most temples are unless they are a back woods place with no access to marble) and carved with festival people in dance, play, and wine imbibing. Dice and other games of chance are always popular as well. Fanciful creatures such as sprites and satyrs are also common in picture as well as person.

The interiors are always very open, with only a small section of the building built into bedrooms for the attending priests. The lightning is bright and cheerful, to help supplicants feel comfortable. Sometimes a small garden will be in the middle of the temple. Temples to Pezuta usually have a small gaming gallery as well, proceeds going to the temple. Many people come to play, but some think such ideas of trying to gamble in the temple of luck is a stupid idea.

The priests are usually dressed in silk clothes that are revealing, though leave something to the imagination. They always appear young and happy (Pezuta gives her priests youthful appearances even in old age, though not long life). Some priests of Pezuta have the ability to tell the future and the diviners will tell a persons fortune, or luck, for a small fee.

Most people, at one time or another, will pay homage to Pezuta, because everybody needs a little luck now and again.
Tomorrow: History of Unicorn Mounts for Clan Warriors

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